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Did you know Mary was Jesus’ most devoted disciple and that their marriage began a dynasty partnership between the Tribes of Judah and Benjamin, which had historically competed for influence and political power in Roman-occupied Israel for generations?

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The Full Story

Jesus's marriage required by law

Jesus is called "Rabbi" in scripture (Matthew 26:49, Mark 10:51, John 20:16). Today, and in ancient times, Rabbis are expected to be married.


The four Gospels never mention that Jesus was celibate. If Jesus was not married, it most likely would have been pointed out.

Mary of Magdala was Jesus' most loyal companion

During the most difficult and challenging times in Jesus' life, the majority of his disciples left out of fear. Mary was one of the few followers who stayed near him during his death, burial and resurrection. 

Mary went to Jesus' tomb to prepare his body for burial. A woman would not touch the naked body of a dead Rabbi, unless she was family.

The Gnostic Gospels

In 1947, in Egypt, books of Gospels written by early Christians (who were called the Gnostics) were found in jars and they all tell the same story of Jesus being married.

In the Gospel of Thomas, Mary is referred to as the "Apostle of the Apostles."

In the Gospel of Mary, which surfaced in Egypt in 1896,  Mary is placed higher than Jesus’ male disciples in her knowledge and influence.


"Mary Magdalene" by Mary Jane Miller


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